His stating "Fight for your state — that is the first and merely omen" (Homer. Theseus, on the other hand, seems to be motivated by others' needs, and aspires to do right by those who he should help. He was brave and courageous. Not Achilles. However, when Hector decides to sell his life dearly, one last comparison reverses the roles, turning Hector into the eagle swooping down on a lamb or hare (309-311). Achilles' heart is aching and the thought of never seeing his prize again worries him. ; they ran beside these, one escaping, the Trojans and the grief the. Achilles believed in a shorter life full of glory and honor, and chose to avenge Patroclus by killing Hector. Hector vs. Achilles Essay. .Literature to 1650 February 11, 2012 Achilles vs. Hector In the story the Iliad, there are two main characters Achilles and Hector, who both are incredible warriors.Achilles is the leader of the Myrmidon soldiers, and he fights for the Greeks.Hector is the son of Kind Priam and he fights for the Trojans. He was 100% mortal. For instance, Achilles leaves the battlefields of Troy due to his wounded pride, only returning when Patrocles is slain by Hector and returning the favor a thousandfold upon the Trojans by slaughtering the ones he comes across, ending with Hector himself. In the Iliad, several male characters perform heroic aspects of . He wanted to die with honor. And compare these with how Sarpedon refers to death in his conversation with Glaucus (Book 12, lines 359-381). 4. The Characterization of Agamemnon in the Iliad - The ... 168-169). After that, Achilles tells Hector that he would not give his body back to the Trojans because there was "no love" between them. Achilles is more qualified than …show more content…. A king vs. a hero, a bully vs. a thinker, a warrior vs. a lover. Both of these characters are said to be the strongest and greatest warriors of each of . He was merely contending for his state and people. He is afraid of Achilles threats to let his body be eaten by animals. At first, he gives it to his men to take back to the City, but when he is challenged by Glaucus, who calls him a coward for avoiding a challenge of Ajax, he grows angry and dons the armor himself. On page 120 and 121 it states that the book Iliad was focused around the quarrel between Agamemnon and the commander, as well as Achilles. In the Iliad, Patroclus was not the cousin of Achilles, only a friend. A Comparison Between Hector and Achilles Student's Name Institutional Affiliations A Comparison Between Summary of Book XXII--The Death of Hector: Speaking from the walls, Priam and Hecuba beg their son Hector to come inside the city. So at last, peace was made between them. There's a good chance that because of Homeros was from Halicarnassus, modern day Turkey - Bodrum, he had a bias towards him and praised his well manners, bravery, loyalty against Achaeans but because of Homeros. Achilles: The Trojan War. What is the purpose of Homer's digression on Trojan women doing their laundry in the middle of Achilles' pursuit of Hector? It can be seen, for example, in their attitude to the glory gained in war and to their family. Gilgamesh vs. Achilles | FreebookSummary Hector can besides be characterized by what he says. Iliad, Study-guide for Books 1 - 24. Even though Hector was fighting against the odd during his fight with Achilles, he still showed honor. a. After a cunning trick by Athena which causes Hector to decide to stand his ground and fight, perhaps the most conspicuous contradiction between a warriorÕs heroic code and the warriorÕs human side is evident" (Achilles vs. Hector in the Iliad). General Information Achilles is widely believed to be one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan War and also the most handsome, the quickest and one of the strongest warriors during the war. On page . Infuriated, Achilles kills the Trojan prince Hector in Book 22 and dishonorably drags his body around Troy. Differences Between Aeneas & Achilles | The Classroom A Comparison of Achilles and Hector. These describe the two most important and very different Achaean heroes, Agamemnon and Achilles, in . There is a difference in their origin as well. Hector in The Iliad: An Overview. Achilles is the strongest fighter in the Greek side, and Hector is the strongest Trojan. The war has gone on for many years, and time and time again, Achilles has proven himself a great success. He still does not want to go to war after Agamemnon returns her. 2. ILS 205. Hector, unlike Paris, who refuses to take responsibility for his actions, completely redeems himself by refusing to hide behind the walls of Troy. Books 1 to 4 of the Iliad trace the events from the breaking out of the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon to the first combat on the battlefield. Works Cited. He grants Priam an eleven-day truce for the funeral ceremonies and a night's hospitality in the Myrmidon camp. What does Achilles say to taunt Hector? * * * 7. overtake- even so neither could Achilles come up with Hector, nor Hector break away from Achilles. The Essay on Hectors Death Hector Achilles Spear. When Priam pleads for Hector's body, Achilles—thinking of his own father and of Patroclus —weeps with him. In the film we can see Hector courageously risk his life to remain honorable and fight Achilles after he cut Patroclus's throat. Even though Hector took the armor that Patroclus had on, which it was Achilles armor anyway.Achilles had the mindset that it was better to do something about the death of his companion then to grieve about it for the rest of his life . Hector requests a pact that they will return each other's body whoever dies. Hector requests a pact that they will return each other's body whoever dies. Sunday, September 3rd, 8am — 11am: I was in my dorm room reading Iliad books 6-8. LANG 350--Classical Mythology. As the Gods where what made the 10 twelvemonth war come to go through in the first topographic point doing "The Iliad" an heroic conflict of volitions. The scene with . Hector in The Iliad . As Achilles mounted his chariot, his horse, Xanthus, with the power of Hera, bowed his head and spoke to Achilles. They are both put into the mold of a hero that their . It is mainly based on Homer's Iliad, but has influences from The Odyssey and The Aeneid as well. According to legend, the Trojan War began when the god-king Zeus decided to reduce Earth's mortal population by arranging a war between the Greeks (Homer calls them the . Hector: Learning Manliness. But Hector was different from Achilles. Achilles is the son of Peleus and Themis, and is famed for his role in the Trojan War where he fights and kills the Trojan hero Hector. Hector can veil his irrepressible desire for immortality, but Achilles cannot. Did Alexander the Great really idolize the mythic Greek hero Achilles? Long years, what comparison does achilles make between himself and hector had made decisions based on Homer & # x27 ; own father, Peleus they. Hercules is arguably the stronger of the two, as no other person would have been able to overcome the 12 labors, however Achilles significance in the Trojan War cannot be understated and he was believed to have . Agamemnon, a warrior vs. a hero, a bully vs. a thinker, a bully a! . This scene shows the origins of Achilles's rage, which Achilles harnesses to either punish the Greeks or defeat the Trojans. Zeus sees the use of the Hero's armor as insolent, and Hector loses . In the Iliad, warriors participate in war as a way of defending their land and people. Infuriated, Achilles kills the Trojan prince Hector in Book 22 and dishonorably drags his body around Troy. First, I want to write about Hector's strength. Theseus begins his saga with a journey to Athens. Topics: Achilles, Iliad, Homer Pages: 6 (1452 words) Published: November 16, 2014. What does Hector fear might happen to his body after he is dead? Difference Between Achilles And Hector In The Iliad. 10.633-88 and 11. Achilles becomes well-known over the course of the Trojan War's battles. Some of the major differences between the film and the poem are: In the Iliad the war took 10 years (quote: " Already have nine years of great Zeus gone by "), whereas in the film Troy it only took 17 days. With these words, spoken in the middle of Book 24, Priam implores Achilles to return Hector's corpse for proper burial.He makes himself sympathetic in Achilles' eyes by drawing a parallel between himself and Achilles' father, Peleus. The most apparent difference Troy has from The Iliad is its absence of Olympian gods, the Greek pantheon of deities who reside on Mount Olympus. Another obvious difference is the absence of godly intercession of the Grecian Gods in the movie. The ability to modulate character that Hector shows—the fierce warrior becoming the loving father—is something Achilles does not possess. Achilles has more of an evil emotion shown when he stabs Hectors body after Hector was killed. Throughout the Iliad there is an . What last request does make of Achilles? At first, Hector runs from Achilles, but then stops to fight. Achilles: The Trojan War. One must be courageous and willing to sacrifice his life in order to be deemed honorable or heroic. or so any direct grounds of their presence. Hector morally is ranked higher than Achilles who has nil to make with war personally. 1. One other difference between Hector's portrayal in the Iliad and the Movie is how he faces the enraged Achilles. Naiden 2006, n. 99). Hector, on the other hand is fighting for the lives and liberty of his countrymen. They try to win glory in battle and each have certain strengths and weaknesses which are displayed throughout the book. Do you feel that the extensive aid the gods give to Achilles when he kills Hector diminishes his victory in any way? He does not give way to the persuasion of his father and wife to avoid the duel with Achilles. In Homer's epic, the Iliad, the legendary, has no two characters that are so similar yet so different as Greek warrior, Achilles, and the Prince of Troy, Hector. Book 1. The Iliad is filled with combat, dishonesty, arrogance, and fidelity. 21.599-611).6 The quarrel with Drances in Book 11 casts Turnus in the roles of Hector and Paris; when the assembly breaks up, Turnus recalls Hector as he rallies the Latins for the final "Let me seize great glory!" says Achilles, and so does Hector, who comforts his wife by prophetic words about his postmortem fame. Achilles says there are no binding oaths between lions and men. this comparison creates a visual effect. Achilles hurls his spear, but Hector ducks and it flies past. Aeneas -- Great and Selfless In contrast to Achilles -- Aeneas, the Trojan prince who is immortalized in his own epic "The Aeneid " -- is far from skilled in battle, but he distinguishes himself after the Fall of Troy. Hector's Death Hector, the great and mighty warrior, found himself not leading a charge this time You have not mentioned any previous time for this to reference to. His mother does not want him to and try 's to convince him to stay and protects him with a charm"to Achilles who had already shown himself the best and greatest of all . it creates a tension Theseus also likes to challenge expectations and overcome the "impossible". homer compares achilles and hector to chariot teams around a course going fast. Essay title: Comparison of Hector and Achilles. The Iliad 1 begins and ends showing people in a normal state, before and after the wrath of Achilles has precipitated the plan of Zeus. Hector shows his strength in book seven, in the battle between Ajax and himself. Although Hector and Achilles share . Achilles taunts him by saying that his body will be defiled and that he was a lesser man. Achilles took revenge on his best friend and killed the prince of Troy, Hector. There is such a strong contrast between Hector and Achilles. in. Aeneas, Turnus, and Achilles 305 allusion to the deception of Achilles by the apparition of Hector (cf. Hector does not see Athena retrieve the spear and return it to Achilles. [Between readings: Achilles has come back into the fighting, killing many Trojans and forcing all of them back into the walls of Troy, except for Hector, who has stayed outside.] Hector motive for fighting is way different than Achilles. He shows no mercy for Hector, he is ruthless and cruel in his ways with the enemy, almost like war is the o For example both had a one mortal and one immortal parent, in Heracles' case he was the son of the God Zeus and the mortal Alcmena, as for Achilles his father was Peleo the mortal King and his mother was the God Tetis. Look at Herakles, a lion skin barley covering his nudity, armed only with a club - one of the most privative weapons, even by Bronze Age standards - here we have a demi-god presenting himself as a man. Look at Achilles, Gold and Bronze armour, crafted by a god, magically imbued, terrifying; he is a man presenting himself as a living god. Hector used to react on human impulses and was more human than Achilles. The first book details the falling-out between Agamemnon and Achilles after Agamemnon takes away Achilles's war prize, Briseis, causing Achilles to remove himself from battle in spite of Agamemnon. He adds that Athena will kill Hector in just a moment. The quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles centers on captive women. But Priam leaves before dawn. Compare how Achilles uses the prospect of death in this passage with how Glaucus used it when he addressed Diomedes on the battlefield (Book 6, lines 170-175.) Socrates and Achilles: the Martyr Heroes. Iliad 18.1-34 contains the response of Achilles to the death of Patroclus and Iliad 22.437-486 that of Andromache to the death of Hector. These two men have obvious differences . Achilles: Son of the immortal sea nymph Thetis and Greek hero Peleus, Achilles is one of the most widely known heroes of myth. The points I am going to compare are the fight between Paris and Menelaus, the role of the gods, the death of Patroclus and the fight between Hector and Achilles. In The Iliad, Hector proves himself to be the hero by showing his immense bravery, strength, devotion and courage. A king vs. a hero, a bully vs. a thinker, a warrior vs. a lover. Achilles hurls his spear, but Hector ducks and it flies past. Hector does not see Athena retrieve the spear and return it to Achilles. A difference between Hector and Achilles is that Hector feels fear, while Achilles does not know what fear is he has never beaten but understands that he will meet his fate. He was a battle-hardened warrior, and, like Achilles, had a reputation for andreia. Setup of an essay, a hero or is better hector achilles who essay. His actions and decisions revolve very closely on his emotions, which is usually anger. One final note on a last analogy between the dead Patroclus and the suffering Achilles: the corpse of Patroclus is protected by Thetis, who instills nectar and ambrosia into his nostrils (Iliad 19.38-39); it is also nectar and ambrosia, poured by Athena into Achilles' chest, that preserve his strength and energy (Iliad 19.347-348, 353-354). Now I want to compare and contrast their strength and the weakness. Achilles is angered that Apollo has prevented him from gaining more glory, and begins running toward the walls of Troy. He has my prize, by his own whim, for himself" (Iliad. The Iliad is an epic poem consisting of 23 books by Homer, which focuses on 50 days in the ninth year of the Trojan War, whereas the movie Troy directed by Wolfgang Petersen tells the . , but hiding for his life. A Comparison between Achilles and Abraham. Examples of such warriors are Achilles and Hector. This makes Hector seem more heroic than Achilles, even though Hector was beaten in combat by him. So I think Achilles is not the person to be the king. Aeneas -- Great and Selfless In contrast to Achilles -- Aeneas, the Trojan prince who is immortalized in his own epic "The Aeneid " -- is far from skilled in battle, but he distinguishes himself after the Fall of Troy. Achilles feels humiliated because Agamemnon took his prize, Briseis, away from him in order to return Chryseis. If Hector is the protagonist, then Achilles is his antagonist, with so many resemblances, just like one who stands behind the mirror. Ajax taunts Hector. The swift runner, Achilles, is Do not change verb tense in your narration. Homer, The Iliad, New York, Penguin Classics, 1998. Hector spoke and visited with his mother, wife, and Helen. Achilles and Hector battle face-to-face and eventually Achilles kills Hector by spearing him in the left . Macbeth's renown . Achilles dragged Hector's body on his horse around Patroclus's grave for three days, and that was what he thought was rightful vengeance. After Achilles temporarily deserted the Greeks, Hector stormed the Greek camp, wounded Odysseus and threatened to burn the Greek fleet—until Agamemnon rallied his troops and repelled the Trojans. Does the fact that Hector runs from Achilles make him appear to be a coward or more courageous once he fights achilles? Achilles is a demigod, and Hector is a human born from a king. We find Achilles to be motivated by rage and pride, with ambitions of glory and vengeance. Hector is the only Trojan standing outside the city's walls, waiting to fight Achilles to the death. Agamemnon: Family & Loyalty. Achilles was dead before the Trojan Horse was built (described in . By comparing himself to the Greek hero Achilles before the jury in Plato's Apology, Socrates attempts to portray himself as a hero of equal merit to Achilles and others of similar standing. Achilles is the better epic hero because Achilles goes to Troy to fight in the war against the Trojans to get Helen back knowing he would not make it back home alive. The Iliad is very interesting poem because it teaches several good things about the life of a warrior during the war. 17. These books were pretty interesting. As the men prepare for battle, they both pray to Zeus for victory and the two armies also mouth their prayers. He adds that Athena will kill Hector in just a moment. Hector is the leader of the Trojan forces in Homer's epic The Iliad, which covers the final period of the long war between the Greeks and Trojans.Besides being . The 2004 film, Troy, is a British- Maltese epic war film written by David Benioff and directed by Wolfgang Petersen. Yet, unlike Paris, Hector faces Achilles courageously. a. Hector strips Achilles' armor from the fallen Patroclus. what does homer compare achilles and hector to in these lines? Comparison of The Odyssey and Troy. Achilles, however, does respect his plea. Achilles, one feels, could not stop himself if he . View A Comparison Between Hector and Achilles.docx from BUSINESS HBC 2401 at Kisii University. 2004 film, Troy based on Homer's novel, The Odyssey. Iliad. What does each of the following characters owe to himself and others? Odysseus encourages Agamemnon and Achilles to reconcile before going into battle. Through which Hector has revealed himself to be the hero on multiple occasions. a madern comparison of odysseus and achilles essaysAchilles is set upon the emotional side of the mind. As depicted in Homer's The Iliad, Hector is one of the principal defenders of Troy, and he very nearly won the war for the Trojans. Oedipus did deserve his punishment, and this is the main difference between the two as far as a judgment call in regards to which of the two knew himself better. what effect does this comparison create? homer often uses similes, or comparisons, to convey events. But even if we omit Patroclus as his lover, Achilles still had two sons with a woman named Deidamia. Commander of the Myrmidons, Achilles is the most powerful hero in the Iliad and was said to be invulnerable in all of his body but his heel, where his mother held him when she dipped him . A hero is one who exhibits courage and honor. According to legend, the Trojan War began when the god-king Zeus decided to reduce Earth's mortal population by arranging a war between the Greeks (Homer calls them the . Achilles orders Hector's body washed and himself places it on a bier. For nine long years, Hector led the defense of the city of Troy against the Greek onslaught. Hector, afraid of the Greek giant, displays unwavering confidence as he says: "War - I know it well, and the butchery of men. Achilles chases the man he believes to be Agenor, but soon Apollo reveals himself to Achilles, taunting him for chasing a god. Oxford historian Robin Lane Fox, whose biography of Alexander was the primary inspiration behind Oliver Stone's film Alexander, certainly believes he did.Fox has long maintained that Alexander the Great cultivated the persona of a "new Achilles", a successor to the greatest hero of the Trojan War. Achilles and modern man are similar in that both are capable of being motivated by positive and negative emotions. Achilles doesn't compare the two as he never learned any lessons and died without knowing himself. Hector appears to be different from Achilles in that his quest for glory coincides with his defense of his home and family - his defense of Troy. Answer (1 of 13): First of all Hector is the main protagonist of Iliad. 496 Words2 Pages. In the end, the only difference between Hector and Achilles is that they fight on opposite sides of the battlefield. However, during the main action of the Iliad, the wrath of Achilles and the plan of Zeus, people live in an extraordinary state of human/divine . . Achilles says there are no binding oaths between lions and men. Honor is a major theme in the Iliad, and it is gained through engaging in battle where one's life is at risk. These describe the two most important and very different Achaean heroes, Agamemnon and Achilles, in . What are the main differences between Achilles and Hector in Book 22? Hector vs. Achilles. In order to be a hero one must be honored. So dusting off an old piece of work (and looking again with older eyes), I've extracted, updated and revised with a mind more set on reading experiences and more alert (I'd hope) to the subtleties of . He was the man who thought about his family, loved his family and thought his country and people. We are about to make a comparison between the heroes regarding the similarities and their contrasts. Achilles is a leader of Greeks, and Hector leads the army of Troy. Comparison between Achilles and Hector Homer's epic "The Iliad" is an incredible poem that labels the majority of the battle between Greeks and Trojans. Agamemnon: Family & Loyalty. In The Iliad, Homer emphasizes the role of the gods in the Trojan War.Troy depicts the conflict between Achilles and Hector, while Apollo himself remains silent. Answer: Hector was the perfect man, brave, skilled in battle, honest, a loyal husband, a good father, a good son , a patriot , a wise man who did not like to lead his . Madelyn Vogel. Outside of the actual time frame of the Iliad's action, moreover, one recalls that Achilles himself had, more than once, shown mercy for living prisoners of war before Patroklos' death (Iliad 6.425-427, 11.104-106; cf. But this resistance is short-lived. Character Analysis. Achilles and Hector have different values in life. 16. In this normal state, people are capable of acting rationally, using experience and wisdom to guide their behavior. For your state — that is the difference gods give to Achilles when kills... The funeral ceremonies and a night & # x27 ; Wrath and the grief the a &! 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